AccrueMe is an official speaker at the upcoming 2022 Surge Summit. Don Henig will be presenting and sharing tons of valuable information, so make sure to come visit! The Surge Summit will be held September 6th - 8th in Tampa, Florida.
Don Henig will join the Ecommerce Finance Panel at The SURGE Summit with; Chris Shipferling from Global Wired Advisors, Seth Broman from Yardline, and Irwin Dayan from Hedaya.
SURGE 2022 brings together experienced sellers with serious know-how and savvy Amazon-focused experts for an exciting event like no other. Level up in 2022.
This event is different from others you may have attended in the past. In addition to strong content, there is built-in fun and networking. This includes a sunset dinner cruise of Tampa Bay, plus an always-on arcade. You’ll meet hundreds of other sellers, and the speakers, sponsors and exhibitors will be networking right alongside you.
Day 1 starts with a C-level executive from Amazon’s largest third-party seller.
Strategies from sellers of size, advice from ex-Amazonians, and blueprints for success from the most knowledgeable experts in the industry.
Serious sellers looking for relationships that will move their business goals forward.
Flat-out fun. SURGE is built to be memorable, and every guest is a VIP.
About AccrueMe®
AccrueMe provides success-based capital for Ecommerce. With decades of experience in lending, AccrueMe's leaders have created a completely new way of providing capital, powered by a proprietary portal built around leading-edge eCommerce technology. With unprecedented line of sight into business data, AccrueMe’s portal simplifies financing for online retailers in a way that was never before possible: based entirely on sellers' success, and repaid when best for the seller, and not based upon a pre-determined schedule. Ecommerce retailers have built their businesses on the latest technology, we believe they deserve financing from a partner that's powered the same way. AccrueMe: cutting edge capital for eCommerce. Learn more at